Students at Southern Oregon University are invited to join a team led by Communication program faculty Erik Palmer and Ezra Marcos as they create a series of photos documenting the Oregon Caves National Monument in a collaborative project with the National Parks Service. Brandon Gives of the Southern Oregon Digital Media Center will also be coordinating and producing the project.2018 oregon caves national monument

Students will have the opportunity to observe and assist with a technically complex shoot, and learn useful skills in photographic composition, lighting, exposure and professional practice.

Interested students are invited to participate on either April 17, April 18, or both. Please confirm your interest and availability by emailing as soon as possible.

On Tuesday, April 17, the team will depart for Cave Junction from the Southern Oregon Digital Media Center in Ashland promptly at 8am, and arrive back on campus by 3:30pm (one shooting session, approximately three hours in the caves).

On Wednesday, April 18, the team will depart from the DMC at 8am  and arrive back on campus by 5:30pm (two shooting sessions, approximately five hours in the caves).

A sack lunch will be provided both days. We will work with interested students to arrange carpooling opportunities.

The Oregon Caves National Monument maintains a constant temperature of 44 degrees, and features a number of low ceilings, tight corridors and steep climbs on stairways. Students should expect to walk up to 1-2 miles in and around the caves on each day of the workshop. Participants should bring warm clothing and athletic shoes or hiking boots and be prepared to spend up to three hours at a stretch in the caves. Participants will be provided with protective helmets and headlamps.