Class Schedule

As you review the class schedule, please keep in mind these terms and definitions:
Delivery Methods
- Classroom (in-person): Course requires in-person attendance, with safety protocols in place.
- Remote Delivery : Course is typically offered in a synchronous format where students must attend via video conference at specified times.
- Online : Course is typically offered in an asynchronous format where materials can be accessed at different times and attendance at a set time is not required.
- Hybrid : Course that combines traditional, in-person attendance with some online learning activities.
Associated Definitions
- Asynchronous : Courses do not require students and instructors to be online at the same time.
- Synchronous : Courses that require students and instructors to be online at the same time.
- Z Courses: Courses ending in a Z (WR 121Z, MTH 111Z, etc.) fall under the State of Oregon's common course numbering system for all Oregon public higher education institutions. The purpose of these "Z" designations across Oregon is to help ensure a seamless transfer experience for the most common general education courses. These courses will have common subject codes, numbers, names, course descriptions, and learning outcomes.
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