Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary academic field – which systematically studies human interaction with the environment in the interests of solving complex problems.

[Professional Organizations by Discipline]

American Planning Association - https://www.planning.org/

Earth Force - http://www.earthforce.org/

Ecological Society of America - https://www.esa.org/

International Society for Ecological Economics - http://www.isecoeco.org/

Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators - http://www.paee.net/

Society for Conservation Biology - http://www.conbio.org/

Society for Ecological Restoration - http://www.ser.org/

Society of Women Environmental Professionals - http://www.swepweb.com/

The National Council for Science and the Environment - http://ncseonline.org/

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - http://www.setac.org/

The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) - http://www.aere.org/


This Page Last Updated 2.8.2022

Due to the dynamic nature of the internet this resource portal should not be considered exhaustive and some links may have become inactive. These links will be checked, updated, and expanded as time and staffing permit. In the meantime, please email mcnair@sou.edu if you discover omissions or inaccuracies. Thank you for your assistance in maintaining this resource.