Services provided by the Faculty Ombuds Office

The Faculty Ombuds Office will:

·      offer timely support
·      provide confidential, neutral, informal, and independent consultation, and mediation if requested
·      listen respectfully and non-judgmentally
·      help faculty gain perspective on issues, problems, and/or concerns
·      clarify University governance structures and suggest appropriate referrals
·      help identify resources, evaluate a range of options, and discuss possible next steps
·      support fair process and open communication

Limitations of the Faculty Ombuds Office

The Faculty Ombuds Office does not:

·      advocate for individuals, departments, or divisions
·      receive notice of a grievance under the APSOU Collective Bargaining Agreement
·      receive notice of a grievance under the Bylaws of the SOU Faculty Constitution
·      receive notice of any other legal claim against the University brought forward by the faculty member in a confidential setting
·      participate in formal investigations or administrative processes
·      revise or rescind policies and administrative decisions
·      provide psychological counseling
·      offer legal advice
·      testify or gather evidence
·      share confidential information, unless there is imminent risk of serious harm or disclosure is otherwise required by law