Pathway to Academic and Career Success

Of the 180 credits needed for a bachelor’s degree from Southern Oregon, you will earn 60 to 62 within University Studies, SOU’s general education curriculum. Built on student learning outcomes and progressively challenging courses, University Studies helps you adapt knowledge, skills, and responsibilities to new challenges. The curriculum allows you to align courses, balance learning in the majors with a broader perspective of liberal arts, and foster civic, social, and personal responsibility. The curriculum is also based on student learning, with specific learning goals embedded in courses that qualify for University Studies. The purposes of the learning goals are these:

  1. Foundation Learning Goals (A, B, C, D) stress developing and enhancing fundamental communication, critical thinking, information literacy, and quantitative reasoning skills.
  2. Exploration Learning Goals (E, F, G) stress acquiring a broadly informed knowledge of the various disciplines and becoming familiar with the kinds of inquiry that occur within the aesthetic, social, and scientific worlds.
  3. Integration Learning Goals (H, I, J) stress the deepening, application and transfer of knowledge across the disciplines. Students explore ethical perspectives in science and technology, citizenship and community, and diversity and global awareness.

The main divisions of strands and goals are listed below, and they show the breadth and depth of the University Studies curriculum.

Lee Ayers, EdD, PhD
Division Director, Undergraduate Studies
CS 211
Ashland, OR 97520