Faculty Senate is composed of 21 members elected by the faculty who have the sole authority and responsibility to act for and on behalf of the faculty.
Listed below are the 2023-2024 Faculty Senate Members, committee assignments, constituencies and terms are listed.
2023-24 Faculty Senate Membership
Faculty Senators 2023-2024 | School | Term | Term Ends | Committees |
Alma Rosa Alvarez | ELHH | First | 2023-2024 | EC |
Jackie Apodaca | A&C | Second | 2023-2024 | Chair, AC |
Brandon Ashley | S&B | First | 2025-2026 | AC (Spring) |
Teresa Coker | At-large | First | 2024-2025 | Chair-elect, AC |
Anne Connor | ELHH | First | 2023-2024 | |
Brian Fedorek | SS | Second | 2023-2024 | Past chair, AC, ConC, Const |
Holly Gabriel | ULUS | First | 2025-2026 | |
Sam Hayes-Hicks | A&C | First | 2024-2025 | Const |
Kristin Hocevar | A&C | First | 2023-2024 | |
Bill Hughes | SS | First | 2025-2026 | |
Rachel Jochem | SS | First | 2023-2024 | AC |
Erica Knotts | At-large | First | 2024-2025 | Const |
Melissa LaBonty | S&B | First | 2024-2025 | EC |
Christopher Lucas | At-large | First | 2023-2024 | AC |
Pavlina McGrady | S&B | First | 2024-2025 | |
Matt Moreali | ULUS | Second | 2024-2025 | |
Michael Paddack | ELHH | First | 2025-2026 | |
Michael Parker | A&C | First | 2023-2024 | EC |
Jessica Piekielek | SS | First | 2023-2024 | ConC |
Nigel Waterton | ELHH | First | 2024-2025 | AC |
Lisa Wileman | S&B | First | 2023-2024 | AC (Fall, Winter) |
2023-2024 Faculty Senate Advisory Council
Position |
Name |
Senate Chair | Jackie Apodaca |
Chair-elect | Teresa Coker |
Secretary | Christopher Lucas |
Past Chair | Brian Fedorek |
Senator | Nigel Waterton |
Senator | Rachel Jochem |
Senator | Brandon Ashley |
2023-2024 Other Faculty Representation
Position | Name |
AOF | |
Budget | |
IFS | Jesse Longhurst Moon, Donna Lane |
Policy Council | Brian Fedorek |
Key to Committee Abbreviations:
AC = Advisory Council
AOF = Association of Oregon Faculty
BC = Budget Committee
ConC = Committee on Committees
Const = Constitution Committee
EC = Election Committee
HP = Hearing Panel and Committees
IFS = Interinstitutional Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate
1250 Siskiyou Blvd
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 552-6506
Updated: 07.19.2023