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Applications Now Open!

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What Do Junior Counselors Do?                          

Each Junior Counselor will help coordinate a stable cohort of 10-12 ACADEMY students during daytime activities and classes.  ACADEMY participants range in age from 9-12 years, so Junior Counselors provide a high level of supervision. Each Junior Counselor will serve as a Teaching Assistant for one or more classes each day, and will also attend a separate Junior Counselor leadership class during one period. Junior Counselors will eat all meals in the vicinity of ACADEMY students. Expect energetic and exciting days!  Junior Counselors will attend orientation and training starting on Sunday morning before ACADEMY starts to assist at check-in and material preparation.

Who Are We Looking For?

ACADEMY seeks high-energy students completing grades 10 - 12 who find working with young people interesting and fun! We are looking for responsible, mature and team-oriented students. One of the strengths of the ACADEMY program has been the outstanding role models that Junior Counselors provide. Junior Counselors are expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner which includes good personal hygiene and appropriate dress, positive attitude, compassion, wise decision making, and intellectual curiosity.


  • Many schools and honor societies require students to complete a certain amount of community service. The Junior Counselor Program will allow you to demonstrate the leadership skills that many colleges look for on applications and when awarding scholarships.
  • Junior Counselors take a leadership development class and serve as teaching assistants for two classes each day. 
  • The ACADEMY Director and staff can serve as a personal reference for future job and college applications.
  • Walk away with priceless friendships, connections and memories!

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