Business Reply Mail or BRM

When a response is needed, this is the preferred method, and the university is willing to pay the postage. The advantage to BRM is that, in a mass mailing, we pay postage only on the pieces that are returned.

Please do not have BRM prepared by Student Publicity Services or any off-campus print/copy services. Contact Publications at 552-6155. Contact Campus Mail Services at 552-6201 for information.

Courtesy Reply Mail or CRM

This is an optional method. The university prints and provides clients with a pre-addressed but not prepaid envelope. Clients place their own postage on the envelope.

Pre-metered mail

In this case, undated postage in the exact amount is applied to the envelope before it is sent out. The envelope must also be stamped with special wording by Campus Mail Services.

Postal Services' Qualified Business Reply Mail Program or QBRM

The university agrees to comply with very strict formatting requirements that make the BRM automation compatible. In return for compliance, the university receives a substantial discount.  See table below for details. A QBRM 1 oz. piece will cost $0.45 versus a non-QBRM piece that costs $0.51.


Printed formats and costs are different for postcards, 1 ounce and 2 ounce pieces.

 QBRM postcards

QBRM 1 oz. letters

QBRM 2 oz. letters





Heavier pieces require the use of a business reply label. These peel-and-stick labels are available from Campus Mail Services for $0.08 each.


Business reply mail 1 ounce envelopes are available from Duplicating Services. These are generic envelopes. They will need to have your department's name written or stamped in the return address area.


Customized business reply envelopes and postcards are also available from Duplicating Services, if you wish a more personalized look or logo. Contact Duplicating Services at 552-6134.