400-level Topics Rotations

Mth 481/581 Topic rotation

The following table displays the course rotation that will allow students to complete the 481 topics necessary for a math education minor in any of the following configurations:

  • Two consecutive academic years and summer.
  • Three consecutive summers.
  • An academic year and the preceding and following summers.
  Fall Winter Spring
2017-2018 I - Curriculum C - Geometry D - History of Mathematics
2018-2019 E - Measurement A - Arithmetic and
Algebraic Structures
F - Problem Solving
2019-2020 G - Probability and Statistics B - Calculus C - Geometry
2020-2021 I - Curriculum D - History of Mathematics A - Arithmetic and Algebraic Structures
2021-2022 E - Measurement F - Problem Solving G - Probability/Statistics
2022-2023 B - Calculus C - Geometry I -Curriculum
2023-2024 D - History of Mathematics A - Arithmetic and Algebraic Structures E - Measurement