If you are new to OLLI at SOU, please read this overview. Otherwise, you can go straight to sign In to pay the membership fee or to register for courses.
You do not need to be an OLLI member to browse the course catalog, but only those who have paid the OLLI at SOU membership fee can register for courses.
The OLLI Curriculum
Courses: The curriculum includes a wide variety of topics designed to appeal to many interests. Dozens of courses are offered in each of three academic terms. Learning is stress-free; there are no tests or grades. Courses change each term, and include both academic subjects and lighter fare that employ a variety of teaching approaches. Courses can range from two to ten weekly sessions that are generally 90 minutes to three hours in duration.
Faculty: Knowledgeable instructors from within OLLI and the community volunteer their time and expertise. OLLI members are empowered to recruit instructors for courses in a subject area in which they are interested.
OLLI's Two Registration Periods
For a general overview of how registration works, download this guide to Registration and Getting the Courses You Want [PDF].
Course Requests Lottery: Although there are many courses to choose from each term, demand sometimes exceeds the available space. In the interest of fairness, the first phase of registration lets members request up to three courses in the order of preference.
Please consult the OLLI Calendar for the deadline for course requests lottery for the current term.
Open Enrollment Registration: Once the course requests lottery period has ended, members are notified of the courses in which they have been enrolled, and then can add an unlimited number of other courses that still have space available. There will be plenty left from which to choose.
Please consult the OLLI Calendar for the date open enrollment registration begins in the current term.