Oregon residents age 65 or older may audit SOU classes without paying tuition, when space is available and the instructor consents. However, course fees, if the course has any, still apply.
Due to the format of studio art instruction and lab use, auditing studio art courses is not permitted.
To explore a list of SOU classes that you may be able to audit:
1. Visit SOU's class schedule at https://inside.sou.edu/schedule/schedule.html.
2. In the "Class Schedule" section on the left, select the term and subject area you wish to explore, then click "Search."
3. Look in the far right column (Status) to see if a class is closed to enrollment, i.e. whether or not an empty seat is available for an auditing senior citizen. If the status box is blank, it means the class may still have a seat available.
4. Make a note of the instructor's name for the class you want to audit. Then call SOU Directory Assistance at 541. 552.7672 to obtain the instructor's phone number.
5. Call the instructor to ask if he or she will accept an auditing student. If the instructor agrees, download this auditing request form, fill it out, then take it to the first class meeting and ask the instructor to sign it and intra-campus mail it to Raider Student Services.
For more information, please contact the OLLI office.