
Financial aid recipients who drop below half time enrollment are no longer eligible for federal student loans and must be given an opportunity to learn about loan repayment requirements and options.

Banner provides the mechanisms to do this via the RRREXIT program which evaluates student enrollment levels, graduation, etc., and the ROREMAL program which sends email based on a population.

Half Time credit load for each student level is defined in Banner.  To access this, open ROAINST in Banner,  enter the aid year, click Go, then click the Credit Hours tab.

Daily (M-F) Process

"Exit" conditions are the same for all students: graduation, not enrolling for the term, etc., however, the credits for half time are different for graduate vs undergraduate students.   SOU's conditions are further complicated because the Academic Partnerships programs have different credit thresholds than "normal" SOU programs.   To accomplish this, RRREXIT is run twice, first for all students for all conditions except credit level.  This picks up stop-out and graduated students.  The second run is for students not in Academic Partnerships programs and uses the standard credit threshholds.  To omit the Academic Partnerships students, population selection is used.  Course load for students in Academic Partnerships programs are evaluated manually by the Financial Aid staff.

Manual Addition of Student to Batch

The Financial Aid office can add a student to the letter process by going into Banner form RUAMAIL, entering student ID and aid year, and pending an FA_EXIT_MANUAL "letter" for them.   

When the daily processes run, qualifying students will be given EXIT tracking requirements.  A population is created with all students who have the unmet EXIT requirement and do not have a FA_LOAN_EXIT letter for the aid year.    In addition, pending FA_EXIT_MANUAL letters are marked sent and matching entries are added to the letter population.

Accessing RUAMAIL

  1. Log in to Banner.
  2. Open Financial Aid menu.
  3. Open Applicant Common Functions menu.
  4. Open Applicant Mail (RUAMAIL) form.

Adding a student

  1. In the key section
    1. Enter or look up Aid Year code.
    2. Enter or look up Student ID.
    3. Click Go.
  2. In the detail section
    1. Click Insert.
    2. Navigate to Letter.
    3. Enter "FA_EXIT_MANUAL".
    4. Leave the other values as their defaults.
    5. Click Save.
Alternatively, an EXIT requirement can be posted directly to the financial aid applicant's record through RRAAREQ.

Accessing RRAAREQ

  1. Log in to Banner.
  2. Open Financial Aid menu.
  3. Open Requirements Tracking menu.
  4. Open Applicant Requirements (RRAAREQ) form.

Adding a student

  1. In the key section
    1. Enter or look up Aid Year code.
    2. Enter or look up Student ID.
    3. Click Go.
  2. In the Applicant Requirements section
    1. Click Insert.
    2. Navigate to Requirement.
    3. Enter "EXIT".
    4.  Navigate to Status.
    5. Enter "E".
    6. Leave the other values as their defaults.
    7. Click Save.
NOTE: If the student has already received the email once for the aid year, you must use RUAMAIL to pend a second email because the population scripts will not otherwise include the person in the population for ROREMAL if they have already received the email.

Reviewing Data

Financial Aid can identify everyone who has received an exit interview notification email by querying the data for FA_LOAN_EXIT emails for the aid year.   Moreover, Financial Aid can identify those students who were chosen manually to receive the letter by querying for FA_EXIT_MANUAL letters.   These can be accessed through RUAMAIL for one person or a report done through ODS in the Communication reporting object in Person Supplemental in the Financial Aid reporting package.