Disability Resources provides academic accommodations for students with disabilities and acts as a resource to all of SOU in creating an inclusive and accessible learning environment.
Accommodations are individually determined with the student in an interactive process. Some of our more common accommodations include:
Information and Guidelines for Disability-Related Issues on Campus
- Personal attendants (accessible pdf form)
- Scholarships and internships specifically benefitting students with disabilities
- Service animals
- Emotional Support Animals
- Accessible parking, routes, and doors on Ashland campus
Code of Ethics
Disability Services for Students staff adhere to the Code of Ethics established by the Association of Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD), as follows:
Who are we?
Disability Resources closely collaborates with both our University Coaching & Academic Mentoring program, as well as Success at Southern TRiO. So how do we delineate between these programs you may ask? The following graphic was designed by one of our fabulous former student workers and SOU EMDA graduate to assist in answering that exact question:
Word accessible Version: