Disability Resources is just one of the student support services offered as part of Academic Support Programs. At SOU, we definitely support the Americans With Disabilities Act and would do our best to accommodate you.
Currently, there are approximately 450 students registered with Disability Resources. Students are receiving accommodations for disabilities that include vision, hearing, traumatic brain injury, mobility, chronic health, psychological/psychiatric, ADD/ADHD and learning disabilities. Accommodations are an interactive process between you and SOU, so communication is key!
How to get started...
- Schedule and attend an intake appointment with one of our staff.
To schedule, please call our front desk at (541)552-6213
- Provide documentation of your disability (see documentation guidelines below)
- Request the specific accommodations you need for your classes through AIMS, our online request system.
Documentation Guidelines
Qualified students with disabilities are guaranteed civil rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The following information, along with the student's self-report, will help us to determine what accommodations are needed to ensure access to SOU's classes, programs, and activities.
Documentation Requirements
- is comprehensive and current (current depends upon the diagnosis*)
- includes a clearly stated specific diagnosis and subtype, with diagnostic code (when appropriate), including symptoms or criteria on which the diagnosis is based
- provides actual evaluation scores/criteria, as well as procedures used to make the diagnosis, and
- uses technically sound tests and/or evaluations
- describes the duration and severity of the condition
- indicates how the disability substantially limits a major life activity of the individual, and/or provides evidence of current impairment, as well as functional impact
- describes current and past accommodations, services or medications, as known, and
- suggests accommodations, academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids including a rationale
- indicates current treatments, typical progression, prognosis and/or stability, when relevant
- is conducted by a properly credentialed, qualified evaluator, appropriate to the disability, that does not have a personal relationship with the student or student’s family, and
- includes contact information and relevant credentials of the diagnosing evaluator.
*for example: ADD, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities should be evaluated every three years for high school students. Chronic Medical/Health disabilities depend upon the diagnosis and prognosis.
For a quick list of common documentation types, see the box to the upper right.
Fax number for documentation: (541)552-8462.