
The Athlete Hours and GPA Extract program (ATH_ATHLETE_HOURS_GPA) produces an extract of academic performance data for athletes who meet the parameter selection criteria. The data is extracted in a quote/comma-separated format suitable for input to spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel. 

The program allows you to select one or all sports teams for a parameter sports term, extract term and cumulative academic data for a parameter academic term and summarize course hours between "from term" and "to term" parameters for comparison against the 36 hour requirement.

As an example, let's assume that in September 2009 you wish to assess the academic performance of the expected Fall 2009 football team members.  You wish to see academic performance through Summer 2009, and you want to compare their course work from Fall 2008 through Summer 2009 for comparison with the 36 hours rule.  You would enter the following values in the program's five parameters, described in detail below, as follows:

  • Sports Code    ==> FB         Get the football roster . . .
  • Sports term     ==> 200901  . . . for Fall 2009.
  • Academic term ==> 200804  Get their academic data for and through Summer 2009.
  • From term       ==> 200801  Summarize their eligible course work between Fall 2008 . . .
  • To Term         ==> 200804  . . . and Summer 2009 for the 36 hour requirement.
  • Include All Athletes ==> N  . . .  do not include athletes from other sports.

The football roster would consist of all students with an active (status = "AC") Student Sports form (SGASPRT) record for football for Fall 2009.  The students do not need, and should not have, a SGASPRT record for the academic term parameter unless they participated in a sport that term.

The Extract File Data Descriptions section in this document describes each extracted field.

The Converting Banner Database Output to a Spreadsheet section in this document explains how to import the extracted into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Accessing the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract Program

You may access the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract program from Banner using Direct Access or the Reports menu. When you select the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract program, the Process Submissions Control form (GJAPCTL) will display so that you may enter the parameters required to run the program.

Accessing the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract Program Using the Reports Menu
  1. Log into Banner.
  2. From the main Banner menu, expand Reports.
  3. Expand Student Affairs Reports.
  4. Expand Athletics Reports.
  5. Select Athlete Hours and GPA (ATH_ATHLETE_HOURS_GPA).
Accessing the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract Program Using Direct Access
  1. Log into Banner.
  2. Enter ATH_ATHLETE_HOURS_GPA in the Go To box and press the Enter key.

Running the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract Program

To run the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract program (ATH_ATHLETE_HOURS_GPA), you first need to set up the required parameters. The Process Submissions Control form (GJAPCTL) is used to enter parameters for programs.

Key Block (Page 1 - Block 1):

The Key block specifies which program you are running. It should be pre-populated with the Athlete Hours and GPA program (ATH_ATHLETE_HOURS_GPA). 

Enter the following information:

Process: Process will be pre-populated with the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract program (ATH_ATHLETE_HOURS_GPA). If it is blank, enter ATH_ATHLETE_HOURS_GPA.

Parameter Set: Enter the name for the set of parameters you wish to use if you have saved a set of parameters previously. Otherwise, leave blank.

Choose Block/Next from the menu bar to move to the Printer Control block or use the mouse to click into the block.

Printer Control Block (Page 1 - Block 2):

The Printer Control block allows you to choose which printer to use and the time to submit the job.

Enter the following information:

Printer: Enter "DATABASE" to save the output for viewing.

Special Print: Leave the value blank.

Number of Lines: Leave the value blank.

Submit Time: Leave the value blank if you wish the job to run immediately. If you wish the job to run at a later time, enter the time in military format (i.e., 23:00 for 11:00 PM).

Choose Block/Next from the menu bar to move to the Parameter Values block or use the mouse to click into the block.

Parameter Values Block (Page 1 - Block 3):

The Parameter Values block displays a list of parameters used to create the Athlete Hours and GPA Extract program. 

Enter the following information:

Sports Activity Code: Enter the activity code of the sport for which you want team data, or enter a wildcard (%) for all sports. Choose Help/List from the menu bar for valid codes.

Sport Term Code: Enter the code for the term the sport was played, e.g. "200901" for Fall 2009. Choose Help/List from the menu bar for valid codes.

Academic Term Code: Enter the code for the term for which you want academic performance data. For example, you may want Winter 2010 (200902) academic performance data for students on the Fall 2009 (200901) football team. You would enter "200902" in this parameter. Choose Help/List from the menu bar for valid codes.

From Term Code: Enter the term from which you want the 36-hour check calculation to begin inclusively. Choose Help/List from the menu bar for valid codes.

To Term Code: Enter the term for which you want the 36-hour check calculation to end inclusively. Choose Help/List from the menu bar for valid codes.

Include All Athletes: Select (Y or N). If parameter is set to Y and sports activity code is set to % the report will return all athletes for the given year and not be filtered down by sport term code.  

Use the vertical scrollbar or down and up arrow keys to cursor through the records. After entering your parameter values, choose Block/Next from the menu bar to move to the Submission block or use the mouse to click into the block.

Submission Block (Page 1 - Block 4):

The Submission block allows you to save your parameters for future use and to submit the job. Enter the following information:

Save Parameter Set as: If you wish to save the parameters exactly as is to use again, check this box.

Name: If you have checked the Save Parameter Set as box, enter a name for the parameter set. If you did not check the Save Parameter Set as box, leave Name blank.

Description: If you have checked the Save Parameter Set as box, enter a description for the parameter set. If you did not check the Save Parameter Set as box, leave Description blank.

Hold/Submit: Select the Submit radio button.

Choose File/Save from the menu bar to submit your job. The data should be available online within a few minutes.

Extract File Data Descriptions

The program selects student athletes based on values on Student Sport form (SGASPRT) records that meet the following criteria:

  1. The SGASPRT activity code matches the parameter sports code.
  2. The SGASPRT term code matches the parameter sports term.
  3. The SGASPRT status is AC-Active.

The program extracts academic performance data based on the academic term code parameter. 

A Student Sport record (SGASPRT) is not necessary for the academic term and should not be created for the academic term unless the student participated in a sport during the academic term.

The program creates the data with column headings in a quote/comma-delimited format suitable for input to a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.  The column headings and data values are described below.

  1. Sport.  The description of the sports code from the Student Activity Code Validation form (STVACTC)
  2. Name.  The student's name.
  3. ID. The student's ID.
  4. Sports Term. The term code value from the sports term parameter. 
  5. Class Begin.  The student's class standing at the beginning of the sports term. FR-Freshman, SO-Sophomore, JR-Junior, SR-Senior.
  6. Acad Term. The term code value from the academic term parameter.  
  7. Class End.  The student's class standing at the end of the academic term. FR-Freshman, SO-Sophomore, JR-Junior, SR-Senior, Graduated.  If the student was awarded an undergraduate degree at any time between the Sports and Academic Terms inclusively, this field will contain the value "Graduated." The check is only made if the academic term parameter is greater than or equal to the sports term parameter, that is, you are checking on subsequent academic progress of student athletes.

Academic Term Data: The following 5 fields contain data for the parameter academic term only and only include SOU undergraduate course enrollments. If the fields are empty, the student was not enrolled for this term.

  1. Hrs Att. This field contains the hours attempted from the student's academic history record.  If the student has no academic history for the term but has registration records for the term, the program will calculate the value for this field from the registration records.  This would occur if the term in the academic term parameter is still in progress. 
  2. Hrs Earned. This field contains the hours earned from the student's academic history record.
  3. GPA Hrs. This field contains the GPA hours from the student's academic history record. 
  4. Quality Points. This field contains the Quality Points from the student's academic history record. 
  5. GPA. This field contains the student's GPA from the student's academic history record. 

Cumulative Academic Data: The following 3 fields contain cumulative, academic history data for SOU and transfer course work up to and including the parameter academic term.

  1. CUM GPA Hrs. This field contains the sum of GPA hours from the student's academic history records. 
  2. CUM Quality Points. This field contains the sum of Quality Points from the student's academic history records. 
  3. CUM GPA. This field contains the cumulative GPA up to and including the parameter academic term.

36 Hour Check Data: The following 4 fields contain data for the 36 hour check.  The program includes all SOU hours earned during the Fall, Winter and Spring terms between the parameter From and To Terms inclusively as well as up to 12 SOU hours earned during any included Summer term(s).

  1. From Term. The value in the From Term parameter. 
  2. To Term. The value in the To Term parameter.
  3. Total Hrs. The total qualifying (per the note above) earned hours between the parameter From and To Terms inclusively . 
  4. Over/Under 36. The difference between the total hours and "36."

Converting Banner Database Output to a Spreadsheet

After running the program with the DATABASE printer option, you may review the output by following the directions in the Viewing Banner Report Online section below.  After viewing the data by selecting Show Document (Save and Print File), save the file to your workstation with a TXT extension.  Open Microsoft Excel and then open the text file from Excel.  When prompted, reply that the file is comma-delimited.  The data should populate the spreadsheet, and you can then save the data as a spreadsheet file.