
You can run reports and other batch processes directly from Banner using the Process Submission Controls page (GJAPCTL).  You complete the information on this page, identifying the job you want to submit, where you want the output directed and the parameter values, such as registration term code, you want the program to use.  After you select the SUBMIT radio button and save the information, Banner starts a batch process in the background that executes the job.  This is commonly referred to as "Job Submission."  

A Reports and Jobs menu on the main menu in Banner conveniently organizes reports and other batch processes into folders based on the University organization structure. 

You have many options with Job Submission. You can send the report output to a Banner print queue of your choosing, you can email the output to yourself, you can view the output online from Banner, or you can launch it in a web browser from which you can save it to your desktop.  These last two options are especially useful for reports which produce comma-delimited extract files you may wish to convert to a spreadsheet.

There are multiple report format options: portrait, condensed portrait, landscape and condensed landscape.

There is a Banner page which allows you to monitor the status of your job so you know when it has completed.

The Job Submission Process consists of the following steps:

  1. Select your report from the Reports and Jobs menu or your personal menu, search for the report from the Welcome page, or search for the report via the Search tool on the left menu in Banner.
  2. Provide the necessary parameters on the Process Submission Controls page (GJAPCTL) and submit the job.
  3. Monitor the job status on the Banner Job Submission Results page (GWIJOBR).
  4. Review the job output:
    1. On the Saved Output Review page (GJIREVO) if you chose to view the output online,
    2. In your P:/BannerFiles if you chose to SFTP it, or
    3. In your email inbox if you chose to email it, or
    4. On a Banner printer if you chose to print it.

You can view documentation for individual Banner reports and processes by running the Job Submission Program Documentation report (BAN_REPORTS_DOC) and supplying the name of the report or process you wish to learn about as the first parameter.

WARNING: If you have an "!" in your network/banner password, job submission will not work.  Please change your password.

Accessing Reports and Jobs

You may access reports and jobs using Search or the Reports menu. When you select a report from the Reports and Jobs menu, the Process Submission Controls page (GJAPCTL) will display so that you may enter printer destination and any parameters required to run the report.

Accessing a report or job using the Reports and Jobs Menu
  1. Log into Banner.
  2. Click on the Applications icon Applications icon on the left navigation bar.
  3. Expand the Banner menu.
  4. Expand the Reports and Jobs menu.
  5. The Reports and Jobs menu is based on the organizational structure at SOU. Expand the appropriate menus until you get to your department menu.
Accessing a report or job using Search
  1. Log into Banner.
  2. Start typing the report or job name (ex. REG_SCHED_COMP_PROOFS) in the Welcome page.  Select the report or job you want to run from the list of matching entries.

NOTE: Unsure of the name?  You can perform a wild card search (%) in the Welcome page or Search field.  Enter part of the report code or name with wild card characters in the Search box, e.g., %Proof%, and press enter.   If there is a list, you must scroll to the item you want and click on it, otherwise the first item in the list presented will be selected.

Running Reports and Jobs

To run a report, you first need to set up the required parameters. The Process Submissions Control page (GJAPCTL) is used to enter parameters for reports.

Key Section (Page 1 - Section 1):

The Key section specifies which report you are running. Enter the following information:

Process: Process will be pre-populated with the report code if you selected the report from the Reports and Jobs menu. If it is blank or has the wrong report, select a new option from the list of available reports.

Parameter Set: Enter the name for the set of parameters you wish to use if you have saved a set of parameters previously. Otherwise, leave blank.

Click the Go button when you have entered the values you want.

Printer Control section (Page 1 - Section 2):

The Printer Control section allows you to choose where the output will go, the number of lines to print per page, and the time to submit the job.  Enter the following information:

Printer: There are a number of choices.

  1. Print the output. Enter the code of the Banner print queue where you want the report to print. Press the search icon for a list of available printers. If you do not see your department print queue listed, call our Faculty & Staff Help Desk for assistance. 
  2. View the output online.  If you would like to review this report online, enter DATABASE in the printer field.
  3. Email the output. If you would like to email this report to yourself, enter the word EMAIL in the printer field.  NOTE #1: If you plan to select and copy the contents of a large Gmail email, you may find the DATABASE option (2) a better choice for this purpose.  Note #2: You may also enter a literal email address, either yours or another person's, as the printer value.
  4. Format as PDF and email the output.   Some reports look better converted to PDF to maintain formatting.  If you wish to do do this, enter EMAIL_PDF. 
  5. Send output to personal network drive. If you want to send the output to your personal network drive, enter SFTP in the print field. This will do a secure file transfer from the Banner server to your P:\BannerFiles directory.
  6. Format as PDF and send to personal network drive.  Some reports look better converted to PDF to maintain formatting.  If you wish to do this, enter SFTP_PDF.
  7. Suppress the output. If you want to suppress the print, enter NOPRINT in the print field. 

Special Print: This field allows you to specify the report format.  If nothing is entered in this field, it will default to landscape. Each report should have another default report format if landscape is not appropriate.  You may enter a report format manually.  The options are:

  1. LANDSCAPE (landscape – default)
  2. LAND_CONDENSED (landscape condensed font)
  3. PORTRAIT (portrait)
  4. CONDENSED (Portrait condensed font)
Note: Changing the value in the Special Print field from the default can result in an improperly formatted report.

Number of Lines: Enter the number of lines per page you wish to print or use the default already entered. Note: If you choose a larger number of lines than will fit on the page, your report will not print properly. We recommend this value is left blank.

Submit Time: Leave the value blank if you wish report to run immediately. If you wish the report to run at a later time, enter the time in military format (i.e., 23:00 for 11:00 PM).

Click the next section icon at the bottom of the page or click into the Parameter Values section.

Parameter Values section (Page 1 - Section 3):

The Parameter Values section displays a list of parameters used to create the report. As you cursor through each parameter, help text about the parameter is displayed underneath the list of parameters at the bottom of the Parameter Values section. Click on the Search icon for the Values field to see a list of valid values if one is available.

Use the mouse or down and up arrow keys to cursor through the records. After entering your parameter values, click the next section icon from the bottom bar to move to the Submission section or use the mouse to click into that section.

Submission Section (Page 1 - Section 4):

The Submission section allows you to save your parameters for future use and to submit the report.  Enter the following information:

Save Parameter Set as: If you wish to save the parameters to use again, check this box.

Name: If you have checked the Save Parameter Set as box, enter a Name for the parameter set. If you did not check the Save Parameter Set as box, leave Name blank.

Description: If you have checked the Save Parameter Set as box, enter a Description for the parameter set. If you did not check the Save Parameter Set as box, leave Description blank.

Note: If you check the Save Parameter Set as box but do not supply Name and Description, the parameter values entered will become your defaults for all future runs of the program.

Hold/Submit: Select the Submit radio button.

Click Save in the bottom right corner of the page to submit your job. The report should be available online within a few minutes.

Viewing Job Submission Status Online

After submitting a job via Job Submission, you may check the job status online from the Process Submission Controls page (GJAPCTL).  Select Review Job Status (GWIJOBR) from the Related menu. This page will display the status of your Job Submissions for the last 3 days. If your job is still executing, you may refresh the page by clicking the down arrow in the bottom left of the page.

If you do not see your job, be sure you selected the SUBMIT radio button and not the HOLD radio button on the Process Submission Controls page (GJAPCTL). HOLD is the default.

Viewing Banner Report Online

If you entered DATABASE as the printer, you may view your report online via Banner.

  1. From the Process Submission Controls page (GJAPCTL) in Banner, select Saved Output Review page (GJIREVO) from the Related Menu.
  2. Select the Process from the drop down menu if not filled in. 
  3. Select the Number from the drop down menu if not filled in.
  4. Select the File Name from the drop down menu if not filled in and click OK.
  5. If you wish to save or print the report, select Show Document (Save and Print File) from the Tools menu.

Saving and Printing Reports and Data Extracts Online

After reviewing the report in the Saved Output Review page (GJIREVO) in Banner, you may print the report to your local printer or save the report or data extract to your workstation.

  1. Select Show Document (Save and Print) from the Related Menu on the Saved Output Review page (GJIREVO).
  2. Respond "Yes" to the message: "You have selected to show file (file name) in a browser. Do you wish to continue?"
  3. Select Print or Save As from the browser's File menu to print or save the file.