
The Cashier Session Review form provides the ability to review accounts receivable cashier sessions in summary or detail. It may be used to see totals by detail code and to see a detailed list of each transaction entered during a specific cashier session.

The Cashier Session Review form is available for use by staff who enter accounts receivable transactions in Banner. 

Accessing the Cashier Session Review Form from Banner

The Cashier Session Review form is located on the Accounts Receivable Cashiering menu. You may access the Cashier Session Review form from the Accounts Receivable Cashiering menu in Banner or by typing TGACREV into the Direct Access (Go To) box in Banner.

  1. Log into Banner.

  2. Open Student menu.

  3. Open Accounts Receivable menu.

  4. Open General Controls and Cashiering menu.

  5. Open Accounts Receivable Cashiering menu.

  6. Select the Cashier Session Review form.

Viewing Accounts Receivable Transactions

To view accounts receivable transactions in summary and detail for a specific cashier, select the Cashier Session Review form (TGACREV).

The Cashier Session Review form is divided into multiple blocks of data separated by horizontal lines. The upper block (Key block) contains information that will be used to determine the cashier session. The other blocks contain information related to the cashier session chosen in the Key block.

Key Block (Page 1 - Block 1)

The Key block specifies which cashier session you are viewing. All fields in the Key block are required. Enter the following information.

Session User: Enter the Banner username of the cashier.

Session Number: Enter 0 for the current session of the cashier. Otherwise, enter the number of the cashier session you wish to view. You may choose Help/List from the menu bar to view available cashier sessions and dates.

Once the above fields have been entered, choose File/Save  from the menu bar. Then choose Block/Next from the menu bar to move to the Session Detail Selection block or use your mouse to click into the block.

Session Detail Selection Block (Page 1 - Block 2):

The Session Detail Selection block is used to narrow down the cashier session information by payments or charges and/or by category. Enter the following information:

Payment/Charge: If you want to view only payments, enter a "P". If you want to view only charges, enter a "C". If you wish to view both payments and charges, leave the field blank.

Category: Enter the detail category code you wish to view transactions for. Choose Help/List from the menu bar to view valid codes. If you wish to view all categories, leave this field blank.

Choose Block/Next from the menu bar to move to the Cashier Session Summary block or use the mouse to click into the block.  Summary information will be displayed for the cashier session entered in the Key block.

Cashier Session Summary Block (Page 1 - Block 3):

The Cashier Session Summary block displays a summary of accounts receivable transactions for a specific cashier session. The transactions are summarized by detail code. The Cashier Session Summary block displays the following information:

Detail Code: Detail code associated with the transactions.

Payment/Charge: A "P" indicates payment and a "C" indicates charge.

Detail Code: Detail code associated with the transactions.

Source Code: Source code of the transactions.

Base Amount: Total amount of the transactions for the detail code.

Currency Code: Currency code if currency is anything but US Dollars (not applicable to SOU).

Foreign Amount: Total amount of the transactions for the detail code if a non-USD currency was indicated (not applicable to SOU).

Choose Block/Next from the menu bar to move to the Cashier Session Detail block on page 2. Detailed information will be displayed for the cashier session entered in the Key block.

Cashier Session Detail Block (Page 2 - Block 1):

The Cashier Session Detail block displays a list of individual accounts receivable transactions for the cashier session entered in the Key block. The Cashier Session Detail block displays the following information:

Detail Code: Detail code associated with the transactions.

Description: Description of the detail code associated with the transaction.

Amount: Amount of the transaction.

Receipt: Receipt number of the transaction.

ID: ID of the person or company associated with the transaction, if applicable.

Name: Name of the person or company associated with the transaction, if applicable.

Entry Date: Date the transaction was entered into Banner SIS.

Entry Time: Time the transaction was entered into Banner SIS.

Source Code: Source code of the transaction.

Feed Indicator: Detail Accounting Feed Indicator. Indicates whether or not the transaction has been fed to the Banner Finance system. A "Y" indicates the transaction is ready to be fed. An "F" indicates the transaction was fed.

Currency Code: Currency code if currency is anything but US Dollars (not applicable to SOU).

Foreign Amount: Amount of the transaction if a non-USD currency was indicated (not applicable to SOU).

Grant Code: Grant identification that the transaction is associated with.

Use the vertical scrollbar or down and up arrow keys to cursor through the records. Use the horizontal scrollbar or the Previous Field and Next Field function keys to scroll through the fields of each record. Choose File/Exit from the menu bar to exit the form or File/Rollback from the menu bar to return to the top of the form and enter another query.