
The Math Placement Upload job (MATH_PLACE_UPLOAD) loads math placement test results from ALEKS into Banner. If you do not have access to the job, please contact our Faculty & Staff Help Desk.

Accessing the Job

You may access the job using Search or the Reports and Jobs menu. When you select the Math Placement Load job, the Process Submissions Control page (GJAPCTL) will display so that you may enter the parameters required to run the job.

Accessing the Job Using the Reports and Jobs Menu
  1. Log into Banner.
  2. Click on the Applications icon Applications icon on the left navigation bar.
  3. Expand the Banner menu.
  4. Expand the Reports and Jobs menu.
  5. Expand the Academic Affairs menu.
  6. Expand the Academic Departments menu.
  7. Expand the Math menu.
  8. Select Math Placement Upload [MATH_PLACE_UPLOAD].
Accessing the Job Using Search
  1. Log into Banner.
  2. Start Typing "math_pla" into the Search box on the main Welcome screen.
  3. This will pull up a list of items that have "math_pla" in the name. Select Math Placement Upload (MATH_PLACE_UPLOAD) from the list.

Running the Job

To run the job, you first need to set up the required parameters. The Process Submissions Control page (GJAPCTL) is used to enter parameters for jobs.

Key Section (Page 1 - Section 1):

The Key Section specifies which job you are running. It will be pre-populated with the Math Placement Upload job (MATH_PLACE_UPLOAD).

Enter the following information:

Process: Process will be pre-populated. If it is blank or has the wrong job, enter MATH_PLACE_UPLOAD.

Parameter Set: Enter the name for the set of parameters you wish to use if you have saved a set of parameters previously. Otherwise, leave blank.

Click on the Go button to move to the Printer Control section.

Printer Control Section (Page 1 - Section 2):

The Printer Control section allows you to choose which printer to use, the number of lines to print per page, and the time to submit the job.

Enter the following information:

Printer: Enter the printer code for where you want the report to print. Choose Help/List from the menu bar for valid printer codes. If you do not see your department print queue listed, call our Faculty & Staff Help Desk for assistance.  If you would like to review the report online, enter DATABASE in the printer field. If you would like to have the report sent to your personal network drive (p drive), enter SFTP_PDF in the printer field. If you would like to have the report emailed to you, use EMAIL for the printer.

Special Print: Leave this field empty.

Number of Lines: Enter the number of lines per page you wish to print or use the default already entered. Note: If you choose a larger number of lines than will fit on the page, the report will not print properly. We recommend this value is left blank.

Submit Time: Leave the value blank if you wish report to run immediately. If you wish the job to run at a later time, enter the time in military format (i.e., 23:00 for 11:00 PM).

Use the mouse to click into the Parameter Valules section.

Parameter Values Section (Page 1 - Section 3):

The Parameter Values section displays a list of parameters used to process the math placement upload. As you cursor through each parameter, help text about the parameter is displayed underneath the list of parameters at the bottom of the Parameter Values section. Click on the Search icon for the Values field to see a list of valid values if one is available.

Enter the following information:

Start Date: The start date for the range of dates being retrieved from ALEKS.  The format of the date is MM-DD-YYYY.

End Date: : The end date for the range of dates being retrieved from ALEKS.  The format of the date is MM-DD-YYYY.

Class Code: : The ALEKS class code.  This can be retrieved from the ALEKS website.  The code is in the cohort detail(Example). 

Use the mouse or down and up arrow keys to cursor through the records. After entering your parameter values, use the mouse to click into the Submission Section.

Submission Section (Page 1 - Section 4):

The Submission section allows you to save your parameters for future use and to submit the job.

Enter the following information:

Save Parameter Set as: If you wish to save the parameters to use again, check this box.

Name: If you have checked the Save Parameter Set as box, enter a name for the parameter set. If you did not check the Save Parameter Set as box, leave Name blank.

Description: If you have checked the Save Parameter Set as box, enter a description for the parameter set. If you did not check the Save Parameter Set as box, leave Description blank.

Hold/Submit: Select the Submit radio button.

Click on the Save button in the bottom right corner of the page to submit your job. The job should complete within a few minutes depending on how many records are retrieved.