
As part of the Oregon Consortium of Nursing Education (OCNE), OHSU periodically requires data about their nursing students who are taking their coursework at SOU. Whenever OHSU requires a file, SOU must create it from Banner and then send it to them via the Oregon Financial Aid Exchange (OFAX) server. The process consists of 3 steps:

  1. Create the data file
  2. Send the data file to your computer.
  3. Send the data file to OFAX

NOTE: OHSU Nursing students are identified by a student attribute of "OCNE" in Banner. It is important that an attribute is entered when an OHSU student starts at SOU and ended when the student is no longer participating in the OHSU program.

Create the Data File

  1. Log into Banner

  2. Select Reports and Jobs

  3. Select Academic Affairs

  4. Select Raider Student Services.

  5. Select Registrar.

  6. Select Registrar Term Reports.

  7. Choose Create SOU Data File for OHSU-OCNE.

Enter all of the parameters and click on the Submit radio button to run the job.

Copy the Data File from the Banner Server to your Personal Computer.

Use the SEND_BANNER_FILE job to send the file from the Banner server to your computer.

Transfer the file to the Oregon Financial Aid Exchange (OFAX) server.

  1. Log in to OFAX:

    1. Open a web browser.

    2. Enter the URL: https://ofax.osac.state.or.us/login.aspx.

    3. Enter OFAXSOU in User Name and enter the Password.

    4. Click on the Log In button.

  2. Click ". . .proceed to the Upload page."

  3. Upload your file:

    1. Browse your Windows Desktop to locate the file to upload.

    2. After you locate it, click on Upload File.

OFAX will send an email confirming that it processed the new file to the designated SOU contact. The OFAX website tells you how to contact OFAX for technical support, such as designating the SOU contact.