
Use the Building/Room Schedule Form (SSAMATX) to display information about buildings and rooms scheduled for events, functions, and courses. You can query all scheduled buildings and rooms, or you can limit the query by entering selection criteria.

When you first open this form, it is in query mode. The fields in the horizontal scrolling window are displayed in a manner to facilitate your query. Once you execute a query, the fields in the scrolling window change to facilitate viewing the search results. For example, in query mode, the days of the week are displayed as individual checkboxes you can use to specify which days you want to include in your search. Once you execute your query, a single field (Meeting Patterns Days) is displayed showing which days each record is scheduled for.

This form helps you resolve building, room, and time conflicts by answering the following kinds of questions:

  • When is a building or room scheduled for use?
  • What is the meeting pattern for a building or room?
  • What events, functions, and courses are scheduled for a building or room?

Information comes from the form where the event, function, or course was scheduled:

  • Event Form (SLAEVNT)
  • Event Function Form (GEAFUNC)
  • Schedule Form (SSASECT) All information on this form is display only.

Accessing the Building/Room Schedule Form from Banner

Banner includes a Query menu. This menu contains commonly used Banner forms. When you become familiar with the names of the forms, you can eliminate the use of menus by typing the 7-10 character form name in the Direct Access box as soon as you enter Banner.

  1. Log into Banner.

  2. Open Southern Oregon University menu.

  3. Open Query menu.

  4. Select the Building/Room Schedule form.

Viewing Building/Room Schedules

Select the Building/Room Schedule form (SSAMATX) to view building/room schedule.

For detailed procedures for using the form, launch the form and then select Help/Online Help from the menu bar.

Choose File/Exit from the menu bar to exit the form.