This email is a sample of a "Spear-Phishing" attack containing an attachment. Spear-Phishing is when attackers use specific information that relates closely to you and/or your organization. Spear-phishing is one of the most successful techniques that attackers use to compromise systems and people.

This email combines a few of the techniques from the other emails. It appeals to fear. It looks authentic. It uses knowledge of the local area.

1. The first thing to ask yourself about this email is, "Would a police department send a traffic ticket by email?" Secondly, "How would they know my email address?"

2. The threat of a traffic ticket is a technique attackers will use to get the recipient to click quickly without questioning it. Any time you receive an unexpected email that seems scary, threatening or that tries to appeal to an emotion, question it.

3. This email has no contact information for questions. There is no phone number, and it directs the recipient to not reply to it.

4. The attachment is a zip file. Zip files are notorious for being used to introduce a variety of viruses, malware, keyloggers, etc. If you receive a zip file that you are not expecting, you should not click on it without confirming that it is safe.

5. Overall, this email seems official looking. It combines the look with alarming information. Always verify anything that seems alarming and unlikely regardless of how official it may appear.
