
You can produce academic transcripts for groups of students and advisees using the Academic Transcript Population Creation program in combination with the Academic Transcript Population Print program. The Academic Transcript Population Creation program (SHRTPOP) selects the population of students based on the criteria you enter. The Academic Transcript Population Printing program (SHRTRTC) prints the transcripts for the student(s) you selected in the first program. It has several options which control the content and printing of the transcripts.

For example, you could use this program to print academic transcripts for all students with a particular major enrolled in the current term. First you would execute the Academic Transcript Population Creation program (SHRTPOP) supplying the current term code, major code, and the printer you want the control report printed to. After you review the control report to confirm it selected the number of students you expect, you would execute the Academic Transcript Population Printing program (SHRTRTC). By default, it will print transcripts for everyone selected in the first program. You just have to supply the printer destination. You can also save parameter sets for both program with your printer designation and standard selection criteria for re-use.

Both programs are run using Banner Job Submission.