
This job is used to upload recruit and applicant data from external data sources to Banner. The job is currently used for:

  • Advanced Southern Credit data
  • ACT, GRE, and SAT test scores
Advanced Southern Credit (ASC) Data

The Division of Continuing Education collects Advance Southern Credit student data. From this data, they create a text file that includes name, contact, birth date, high school, and graduation date information for students participating in the Advanced Southern Credit program.

ACT, GRE, and SAT Test Scores Files

SOU receives files of ACT, GRE, and SAT test scores. These files include demographic information, high school, and prior college information as well scores for the tests and subtests. This data is used both as a recruiting source and to fulfill admission requirements for applicants.

Process Summary

The data files are uploaded using the Banner File Upload Utility (GUAUPLP) to transfer the file to the $SOU_DAT (or "DAT") directory on the Banner server. The Recruit and Applicant Data Upload job (ADM_REC_APPL_UPLOAD), which combines 4 individual Banner programs into a single job, is run to process the data. In order of execution, the four programs are:

  1. SRTLOAD - This program takes data from the input file and puts it into the Web for Prospects tables. This step should only be executed once for each data file and should not be repeated for subsequent cleanup passes.
  2. SRRSRIN - This program matches the data from the text file which has been loaded to the Web for Prospects tables against Banner to determine whether it is a new or match record. This step is only executed once for each data file and should not be repeated for subsequent cleanup passes.
  3. SRRPREL - This program migrates the data from the Web for Prospects tables into admission and recruiting tables.
  4. SRTPURG - This program deletes records from the Web for Prospects tables once they've been migrated into Banner. This step is optional but recommended. Once loaded into Banner, unpurged records remaining must be scanned when looking for duplicates and suspends to resolve.
Initial run

An initial run is the first run when processing a new data file, and all four programs are generally executed. In an initial run, a data file is uploaded into temporary or "work" tables, a program processes each record to determine status, then another program loads those records determined to be new or match into Banner and deletes the records from the temporary tables.

Cleanup run

Following an initial run, what remains in the temporary tables are apparent duplicates from within the data file, errors, and records which can't reliably be determined to be new or match which are known as suspends. Once the initial pass is complete, someone from Admissions checks the remaining entries in Banner via the Electronic Prospects Inquiry Form (SRIPREL) and sets them to new or match. A cleanup run transfers any temporary table data which has been marked as new or match via SRIPREL into Banner and deletes those records from the temporary tables. Multiple cleanup runs may be necessary following an initial run. A cleanup run only includes SRRPREL and SRTPURG. 

Critical Reminder about Changing Term Code

Whenever you want to advance the default recruiting term code, you must update the term code values for "DEFAULT" and "*" on the Tape Code Conversion Form (SOTCNVT) for each interface type. Periodically, new expected graduation date-to-anticipated application term translations must be added to the form as well.

Process Example

Assume there are 20 records in a new data file, and their ultimate disposition will be as follows:

  • 16 records will load successfully the first time.
  • 1 record will load successfully after it has been matched to Banner manually.
  • 1 record does not have sufficient address data to load, so you want to purge it.
  • 2 records are duplicates which can't be reconciled, so you want to purge them.

The complete processing of this data file will require 4 submissions of the upload job as well as use of the Electronic Prospect Inquiry form (SRIPREL) and the Common Matching Entry form GOAMTCH as follows:

  • Initial run: An initial run is the first run when processing a new data file. In an initial run, all 4 of the programs are executed following steps 1-5 in the detailed instructions which follow. The 5 steps are:

    1. Upload the file to the Banner server using the Banner File Upload Utility. (GUAUPLP)
    2. Set up job parameters (for all 4 programs).
    3. Submit job via Banner Submission.
    4. Review results.
    5. Resolve Suspends, Duplicates and Errors using SRIPREL/GOAMTCH.

    In our example, the Initial Run Steps 1-4 would load 16 records and Step 5 would result in the manual matching of 1 record, but 1 record would remain in a "Suspended" status and 2 records would remain in a "Duplicate" status.

  • Clean-up runs: The sole manually matched record needs to be loaded and purged, while the remaining 3 records just need to be purged. This will involve 3 executions of Step 6 - Rerun jobs to clean up remaining records:

    1. Run the SRRPREL and SRTPURG programs to load the matched record to the permanent Banner tables and purge it from the temporary tables.
    2. Run SRTPURG with a match status of "S" to purge the suspended record that could not be resolved.
    3. Run SRTPURG with a match status of "D" to purge the two duplicate record that could not be resolved.


This job is submitted from Banner using the Process Submission Controls form (GJAPCTL). If you are unfamiliar with the form and Banner Job Submission please review Banner Reports Menu and Job Submission documentation.

NOTE: You may wish to save the SRTLOAD, SRRSRIN, SRRPREL and SRTPURG parameters you enter, as they rarely change.  Suggested parameter set names and descriptions to save them under are:

  • ACT - ACT Score Load
  • ASC - Advanced Southern Credit Load
  • GRE - GRE Score Load
  • SAT - SAT Score Load

Step-by-step instructions for setting up the job, running it and cleaning up errors follow.

STEP 1 - Transfer the Input File to the Banner Server (Initial Run Only)

For an initial run, you must first transfer your input file to the $SOU_DAT (or "DAT") directory on the Banner server and name the file according to the type of data. The file names to use are:

  • ACT - act.dat
  • ASC - dce_asc_load.dat
  • GRE - gre.dat
  • SAT - sat.dat

 Use the Banner File Upload Utility (GUAUPLP) to transfer the file to this directory.

STEP 2 - SRTLOAD - Electronic Prospect Load (Initial Run Only)

This program takes data from the input file and puts it into the Web for Prospects tables. This step should only be executed once for each data file and should not be repeated for subsequent cleanup passes. 

Enter the parameters on the Process Submission Controls form (GJAPCTL) for SRTLOAD and obtain a sequence number.


01 - Data File Name.  Enter the filename of the input file or select the filename from a list by selecting Help/List from the menu bar or pressing the down arrow.  The filename must match one of the values in the list.  NOTE:  While you must place the input file in the $SOU_DAT directory, it is not necessary to specify the directory name. SRTLOAD is programmed to look for the input file in that directory.

02 - Electronic Prospect Code. Enter the electronic prospect code to be used: ACT15, ASC, GRE, or SAT15.  

05 - SSN or Generated ID.  Enter G - Generate a new ID

06 - Term Code.  Enter the term code that will be used if a term code cannot be determined from the high school graduation date on the search or test score tape and the SOTCNVT conversion rules, or if no term has been entered on SRAPRED.

07 - Level Code.  Enter UG as the level code that will go on the prospect’s recruit record.

12 - Contact Code. Enter the contact code that will go on the prospect’s: ACT, CN1, GRE, or SAT. For ASC leave this parameter blank so that no contact record is created.

13 - Source Code. Enter TAPE.

14 - Address Type Code.  Enter MA.

15 - Address Source. Enter TAPE. 

16 - Telephone Type Code. Enter 1MA.

17 - Email Type Code. Enter RECR.

18 - Print Test Scores. Enter Y. 

20 - Print County Code Errs (AMCAS). Enter Y.

21 - Print Validation Summary. Enter Y.

22 - Run Mode.  Enter U for Update.

Select the Hold radio button and choose File/Save.

STEP 3 - SRRSRIN - Electronic Prospect Match (Initial Run Only)

This program matches the data from the text file which has been loaded to the Web for Prospects tables against Banner SIS to determine whether it is a new or match record. This step is only executed once for each data file and should not be repeated for subsequent cleanup passes.

Enter the parameters on the Process Submission Controls form (GJAPCTL) for SRRSRIN and obtain a sequence number.


01 - Electronic Prospect Code. Enter ACT, ASC, GRE, or SAT.  Note:  Use ACT for ACT15 and SAT for SAT15.

03 - Report Type (if Parm 04 = N).  Enter A. This is the report type value for the detail you wish to
show on the report - E (errors), N (new), M (match), or A (all). 

04 - Auto Load (Skip Dup Chk). Enter N. Y automatically loads new or matched IDs while N performs duplicate processing.

Select the Hold radio button and choose File/Save.

STEP 4 - SRRPREL - Migrate Electronic Prospects (Initial Run Only)

This program migrates the data from the Web for Prospects tables into admission and recruiting tables.

Enter the parameters on the Process Submission Controls form (GJAPCTL) for SRRPREL and obtain a sequence number.


01 - Electronic Prospect Code. Enter ACT, ASC, GRE, or SAT.  Note:  Use ACT for ACT15 and SAT for SAT15.

03 - Match Status. Enter M to migrate matched records only, N to migrate new records only, or A to migrate all records (New + Matched).  A is generally used for ACT, ASC, GRE, and SAT. 

Select the Hold radio button and choose File/Save.

STEP 5 - SRTPURG - Electronic Prospect Purge (Initial Run Only)

This program deletes records from the Web for Prospects tables once they've been migrated into Banner. This step is optional but recommended. Once loaded into Banner, unpurged records remaining must be scanned when looking for duplicates and suspends to resolve.

Enter the parameters on the Process Submission Controls form (GJAPCTL) for SRTPURG and obtain a sequence number.


01 - Electronic Prospect Code. Enter ACT, ASC, GRE, or SAT.  Note:  Use ACT for ACT15 and SAT for SAT15.

07 - Load Status. Enter C - Created.

09 - Print Detail on Report. Enter N.

10 - Run Mode (A=Audit, U=Update). Enter U.

Select the Hold radio button and choose File/Save.

STEP 6 -  Submit Job

After transferring the input file to the Banner server, entering the parameters for the four programs and noting the four corresponding sequence numbers, you are ready to submit the Recruit and Applicant Data Upload job.

Accessing the Recruit and Applicant Data Upload Job

You can access this job from the Banner Reports and Jobs Menu or by typing ADM_REC_APPL_UPLOAD into the Direct Access box.

Menu Access:

  1. Log into Banner.
  2. From the Banner Menu, expand Reports and Jobs.
  3. For ACT, GRE, or SAT, expand Student Affairs, then Admissions. For ASC, expand Academic Affairs, then Division of Continuing Education.
  4. Select Recruit and Applicant Data Upload (ADM_REC_APPL_UPLOAD).

Direct Access:

  1. Log into Banner.
  2. Enter ADM_REC_APPL_UPLOAD in the Go To Box and press the Enter key.
Running the Recruit and Applicant Data Upload Job

To run the job, you must first set up its required parameters on the Process Submission Controls form (GJAPCTL) and then submit it.  If you are unfamiliar with the form or Banner Job Submission please review Banner Reports Menu and Job Submission documentation.

Printer Control Block

Enter your email address in the Printer field to receive an email notification when the job has completed.


01 - SRTLOAD Sequence Number. Enter the SRTLOAD sequence number.

02 - SRRSRIN Sequence Number. Enter the SRRSRIN sequence number.

03 - SRRPREL Sequence Number. Enter the SRRPREL sequence number.

04 - SRTPURG Sequence Number. Enter the SRTPURG sequence number.

The job will execute each program for which a sequence number was entered, and it will bypass each program for which the sequence number parameter was omitted.


Select the Submit radio button and choose File/Save.

STEP 7 -  Review the Results

Each program produces a report.   

  • SRTLOAD produces the Electronic Prospect Load report.
  • SRRSRIN produces the Electronic Prospect Match report.
  • SRRPREL produces the Migrate Electronic Prospects report.
  • SRTPURG produces the Electronic Prospect Purge report.

These reports contain important information which will help you determine which data was processed, which wasn't and why.

STEP 8 -  Resolve Suspends, Duplicates and Errors

The Electronic Process Inquiry form (SRIPREL) is used to resolve suspends, duplicates and errors.

  1. Log into Banner.

  2. Enter SRIPREL in the direct access box in the main Banner menu and press <Enter>.

  3. In the Prospect Code field, enter ACT, ASC, GRE, or SAT.  Note:  Use ACT for ACT15 and SAT for SAT15.

  4. Choose Query/Execute from the menu bar.

  5. For each record retrieved,

    1. To perform matching, including duplicate, error, and suspense resolution, choose Options/Match from the menu bar. This takes you to the Common Matching Entry form GOAMTCH, but first you must provide some information.
      1.   At the Select an ID prompt, click the Generate ID radio button
      2.   Click the Associate Person with an ID button
    2. Once you're in GOAMTCH
      1. Do not change key block values, choose Block/Next from the menu to access the prospect's data.
        Note: At this point, you are in the Data Entry block. Here you may manually update information from the source file which doesn't conform to SOU data entry standards such as name spacing or hyphenation. This is optional.
      2. Choose Block/Next from the menu. This will either take you to the Match tab or Potential Match tab depending on whether the prospect is likely to match only one person or whether you must choose from many possible matches.
      3. To mark a prospect data record as new, click the Create New button. When you choose New, it creates the person in Banner, then matches the incoming prospect to the entry created when you click New.
      4. To mark a prospect data record as a match, if you are in the Match tab, click the Select ID button, or if you are in the Potential Match tab, scroll to the potential match you wish to match, then click the Select ID button
      5. Note: Either of these choices will update the status immediately and return you to SRIPREL to process the next suspend, however, the status change does not appear in SRIPREL until you requery there.
    3. To push a record immediately rather than waiting to batch process it, choose Options/Create Recruit/Applicant from the menu bar.

    4. To see more detail about the record, choose Options/Detail from the menu bar

STEP 9 -  Clean-up if Necessary

For a clean-up run, only SRRPREL and SRTPURG are run.

SRRPREL Parameters

01 - Electronic Prospect Code. Enter ACT, ASC, GRE, or SAT.  Note:  Use ACT for ACT15 and SAT for SAT15.

03 - Match Status. Enter A for All rows.

Select the Hold radio button and choose File/Save.

SRTPURG Parameters

Whenever there are matched records to be loaded, set up the values in the Parameter Control block of SRTPURG as follows:

01 - Electronic Prospect Code. Enter ACT, ASC, GRE, or SAT.  Note:  Use ACT for ACT15 and SAT for SAT15.

06 - Match Status. Leave blank.

07 - Load Status. Enter C - Created.

09 - Print Detail on Report. Enter N.

10 - Run Mode (A=Audit, U=Update). Enter U.

If there remain any records that can't be matched or loaded, and you want to purge them, set up the values in the Parameter Control block of SRTPURG as above except for the following:

01 - Electronic Prospect Code. Enter ACT, ASC, GRE, or SAT.  Note:  Use ACT for ACT15 and SAT for SAT15.

06 - Match Status. Enter the match status (D - Duplicate or S - Suspended) to indicate that only records
with this match status should be purged.

07 - Load Status. Leave blank.

09 - Print Detail on Report. Enter N.

10 - Run Mode (A=Audit, U=Update). Enter U.

Select the Hold radio button and choose File/Save.


Some files contain records which cannot be processed because of internal data errors. They appear after each load as S(Suspend), D(Duplicate), or E(Error). You can resolve them to new or match via SRIPREL but when you run the cleanup pass of SRRPREL and SRTPURG, they get switched back to S, D, or E status. Electronic Prospects Purge describes how to remove these records.