
The DHS Alert System MMR Interface enables the Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC) to match a list of incoming students against the Oregon Department of Human Services' (DHS) Alert medical records database and automatically create an Measles Immunization Received (MI) medical record in Banner whenever the Alert records show a listed student has had two MMR immunizations. The process works as follows:

  1. SHWC runs the Banner to Alert Extract program to produce an extract file (name, birth date and ID) of students requiring proof of measles immunizations for a parameter term.
  2. SHWC emails the file to their DHS/Alert contact (They request 2 weeks lead time).
  3. DHS matches the file against the Alert database using each student's name and birth date.
  4. For every match, DHS adds a name, birth date, ID and immunization date record to a file which they email back to SHWC.
  5. SHWC transfers the file from their computer to the Banner server and runs the Alert to Banner Upload program. This program reads the file and creates an "MI" medical code record in Banner whenever two immunization date records are found for a student.

Accessing the DHS Alert System MMR Interface

The SOU Reports menu contains a Student Wellness and Health Center menu. This menu contains the Health Center reports and processes.

  1. Log into Banner.

  2. Select Reports.

  3. Select Student Affairs.

  4. Select Student Wellness and Health Center.

From the Student Wellness and Health Center menu you can submit the following Banner jobs:

  1. Banner to Alert Extract Program
    Parameters: Term Code
    This program is used to produce an extract file of name, birth date and ID for students for a parameter term code requiring proof of measles immunizations. The extract file name is hea_banner_to_alert.lis.  Use the SEND_BANNER_FILE job send the file from the Banner server to the BannerFiles directory on your p drive. After transferring the extracted data to your desktop, you can transfer the file to DHS using agreed upon procedures between the SWHC and DHS.

  2. Alert to Banner Upload Program
    Parameters: None
    This program is used to automatically create MI-Measles Immunization Received medical records in Banner for each student in the input file with two immunization date records.  It is best to choose the NOPRINT for the printer on the Job Submission Control (GJAPCTL) form, when submitting the job as the job does not produce a report.  The job is configured to send an email to the hea_measles_alert.dis email distribution list with a confirmation of the number of records received and records created or an error message if it can't find the input file. Use the Banner File Upload Utility utility program to copy the input file from your computer to the "Dat" directory on the Banner server.  The input file must be named hea_alert_to_banner.dat.