
School chaperones please meet with your students prior to the conference to go over Conference Rules and Student Conduct (see School Info page). This includes school district and conference behavioral expectations and dress code. 

Day of the Conference

School Bus Arrival/Departure

All conference parking (including Buses, Van and Cars) must park in Lot 36, the large green parking lot on Mountain Avenue (see campus map). This is the location for Students & Staff “drop-off” and “pick-up”. Conference volunteers will be stationed at the drop off site and will direct students into the SOU Stevenson Union.

If buses are not staying for the conference, they can then depart after students and staffs have unloaded. If buses are staying, they are directed to park in the back of Lot 36. To depart, at the END of the conference, students should walk with their chaperone to their bus parked in lot 36. 

Arrival at the SOU Stevenson Union

After unloading from the bus, Students and Staff will enter through the main doors of the Stevenson Union and go to the check-in tables in front of the Rogue River room.


Each student will check-In (by last name) at the registration tables in the Rogue River Room entrance. Chaperones will also check in at this location. Students will be required to wear their t-shirt and a name badge throughout the day of the conference that they will receive at check-in. Chaperones also will be required to wear their conference name badge. A light breakfast snack will be available before the 8:30 campus tour. 

Group Assignments

All students will be assigned a group number. Chaperones are required to attend the conference sessions with the students and will be also assigned to a group. These groups will be led by Southern Oregon University Student Ambassadors at the end of the welcome session from the Music Recital Hall. They will lead their student groups throughout the day and to each of the assigned sessions.


All conference participants will be provided lunch. Chaperones will eat with their assigned group in the Stevenson Union Rogue River Room. Please help monitor during the luncheon and program entertainment.

College/Career Fair

There will be a College/Career Fair downstairs in the Stevenson Union Diversions before or after lunch. 


The students will be filling out conference evaluations at the end of their last session. Group leaders will distribute and collect the evaluations as students depart their last session. Groups will proceed to the Stevenson Union Diversions (downstairs) for the closing dance.

Closing Dance

The conference will end with a dance held in Diversions, located in the basement of the Stevenson Union.


Each school will need to have a prearranged time and place to meet their students in Diversions for departure. School groups will need to walk together to their bus/vans (see School Bus Arrival/Departures section). Please ensure that all students are on the bus/van, and that they have all their belongings.

Substitutions and Travel Cost

Please let your school Business Manager know to invoice the Southern Oregon Educational Service District (SOESD) for substitutions and bus/transportation expenses associated with attending this conference.


Please contact Connie Lynn at 541-552-6899 or Anita Sartain at 541-552-6452 if you have any questions or concerns.We look forward to a great conference. We want to thank you in advance for all of the assistance you have provided, and will provide the day of the conference!